PROOF:SCIMAN & Others IGNORANT of BASIC Science!- Kepler Doesn’t Work With MOON

PROOF:SCIMAN & Others IGNORANT of BASIC Science!- Kepler Doesn’t Work With MOON

PROOF: SCIMAN & Others IGNORANT of BASIC Science – Kepler Doesn’t Work With MOON. I show WITH NO DOUBT, that not only did Dave’s observations BY NECESSITY accounted for differences in speed of the moon AGAINST THE BACKGROUND STARS, but this shows that most people in science (who call us ignorant and stupid) don’t even know the basics of the science they support. How sad it is that SCIMANDAN and most who came from his channel to troll here CAN’T SCIENCE – not even close. If the moon is proven to speed up and to slow down at times that are not consistent with Kepler’s 2nd. lal then the moon destroys that law. Either the moon is not a planetary body, or gravity is not real or Kepler’s 2nd. law is not valid with the moon. But the PROOF that Dave’s observations disprove Kepler’s 2nd. law is all here in this video so that a 4th. grade science student (unlike Dan) can understand.

Dave Marsh’s Moon Race Video (FULL)