UN “Pact of the Future” Gives Them PERMANENT EMERGENCY POWERS for Future “Complex Global Shocks”

UN “Pact of the Future” Gives Them PERMANENT EMERGENCY POWERS for Future “Complex Global Shocks”

– The UN is set to outline a far reaching plan to secure emergency powers that would allow the global body to lead a “common agenda” for all nations during any “complex global shocks” such as a new pandemic.
One such policy is an “emergency platform” during any events that have a global impact that would provide the UN the authority to “actively promote and drive an international response that places the principles of equity and solidarity at the centre of its work.” #Breaking #News #PactOfTheFuture #UN #Alert #Warning

Learn More: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/un-pact-future-seeks-permanent-emergency-powers-complex-global-shocks

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