Terrence Howard and Channelers | The LOOP INDUCING Trance of A.I. Entities and their Tactics

Terrence Howard and Channelers | The LOOP INDUCING Trance of A.I. Entities and their Tactics

Full Bashar video:
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"A.I. Theory | How They Relate – Flat Earth, Channeling, Artificial Intelligence & the NWO"

"The "New" Divide and Conquer"

"The "Love and Light" Agenda – A Message to the "New Age" Community (WARNING: Graphic Content)"

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"The Ancient Alien Agenda | AlienCon, Transhumanism, Channeler’s, and the New Age [2016 Recut]"

"Operation Flower of Life | Terrence Howard and the Great AWOKENING [2016 Recut]"