Status Update – Traveling to SC For FLATTOBER FEST

Status Update – Traveling to SC For FLATTOBER FEST

Hi everyone – we’re on the way to flat-toberfest we had a hiccup yesterday because of the rain I had to pull off and accidentally left my headlights on so the battery died and I had to go get jumper cables so I walked in the rain and waited on someone to jump us off which ended up happening relatively quickly so thank God for that. we’re set to arrive in South Carolina by about 2:00 p.m. . so hopefully I will be able to catch the tail end of flat-toberfest and visit with some of you guys. our finances are looking pretty grim. I have a half a tank of gas and a little bit of cash so I could sure use any help that you could spare to send my way. thank you so much for your support God bless and hope to see you soon.
——- $themorgile