“Newly Discovered Seafloor Seep” May Trigger Magnitude 9 Earthquake, Tsunami Off Oregon’s Coastline

“Newly Discovered Seafloor Seep” May Trigger Magnitude 9 Earthquake, Tsunami Off Oregon’s Coastline

– "Chemically distinct liquid shooting up from the seafloor" has been detected by researchers on a stretch of a 600-mile-long fault line in the Pacific Ocean, which is situated only 50 miles away from the Oregon coast, and could potentially trigger a catastrophic magnitude 9 earthquake in the Pacific Northwest.
"Pythia’s Oasis is a newly discovered seafloor seep on the Central Oregon segment of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, where focused venting emits highly altered fluids ~9°C above the background temperature. The seep fluid chemistry is unique for Cascadia and includes extreme enrichment of boron and lithium and depletion of chloride, potassium, and magnesium. We conclude that the fluids are sourced from pore water compaction and mineral dehydration reactions with minimum source temperatures of 150° to 250°C, placing the source at or near the plate boundary offshore Central Oregon," researchers at the University of Washington wrote in a study. #Breaking #Earthquake #News

Learn More: https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/newly-discovered-seafloor-seep-oregon-coast-fault-line-may-be-harbinger-major-quake


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