Mars Landing Update – Thunderf00t Debunks Outer Space!

Mars Landing Update – Thunderf00t Debunks Outer Space!

Outer space is fake. You can’t have gas pressue without a container. If the sky was a vacuum the gas we breathe would fill the space. We would have no air to breathe and we would all be dead.

The sky is not a vacuum.

Gas expands in all directions to fill the space (volume V) it has to fill. Gas doesn’t go down go boom boom like bouncy balls poured in to a fish tank.

“Gravity is not a force…….but…..YOU CAN *think* of it as a force” George Musser 2019 … the height of double speak. “gravity is not a force” George Musser 2019. Gravity is the bending of a conceptual meduim known as “space time”. You can’t bend concepts, and thinking about it will never give rise to any force. “There isn’t really a force of gravity at all” Professor Brian Cox