Is The Bible Real? Or A Control Mechanism Of The Elite? Flat Earth

Is The Bible Real? Or A Control Mechanism Of The Elite?  Flat Earth

Recently I was watching this movie, and heard these common arguments regarding the Bible. I am not posting this as a statement of any kind, particularly to the personalities involved. The points they mentioned are common… such comments about the Bible, often without investigation, are exactly the type which have become so common and popular lately. I used to believe such things too… but when one investigates much deeper, it turns out that these anti-Biblical ideas are an incorrect assumption, based on a lack of knowledge. They similarly are the type of ideas this piece was made to address.
I had to speed some parts up to cut down on the movies time, I apologize. If you can’t keep up try slowing down the speed to .75x

I loved this quote from Chuck … “If you don’t believe in Jesus, you’ve got bigger problems than the authentication of Moses.”

Thank you so much for your beautiful work and positive influence on so many people Chuck. God bless you, rest in peace.