Elon Musk Releasing ‘Episode 2 of Twitter Files’ Today, Exposing Shadowbanning, Government Control

Elon Musk Releasing ‘Episode 2 of Twitter Files’ Today, Exposing Shadowbanning, Government Control

– Elon Musk will be dropping ‘episode 2 of Twitter files’ on Saturday.

Elon Musk Friday evening released Twitter’s internal discussions that led to its decision to block any links exposing Hunter’s laptop from hell.

The first file drop revealed Joe Biden’s team had a direct line with Twitter executives and demanded tweets unflattering to Biden be deleted.

Biden’s team also demanded Twitter suspend accounts. #TwitterFiles #News

Learn More: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/12/developing-elon-musk-release-episode-2-twitter-files-today-will-expose-shadowbanning-boosting-follower-counts-etc/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

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