‘Smart’ Cameras Are Now Tracking How Many Transport Passengers Are Wearing Masks In France

‘Smart’ Cameras Are Now Tracking How Many Transport Passengers Are Wearing Masks In France

The French government has been accused of dystopian designs after authorizing the use of surveillance cameras to tally how many commuters are masking up.
A new decree has given public transport operators the power to use “intelligent video to measure the rate of mask-wearing on transport.” France’s data protection watchdog, CNIL, said the “smart” cameras will be used on buses, subways and trains to “observe” whether Covid-19 rules mandating facial coverings are being obeyed. However, the government claims that the cameras will only tabulate how many people are wearing masks, without identifying individuals.-

Learn More: https://www.rt.com/news/518237-france-surveillance-masks-transport/

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