
  • silvana posted an update 2 years ago

    Tips for feeding your baby

    After 6 months, when the baby begins to incorporate solid foods, it is important to follow a correct diet. Many parents need a guide.
    One of the great advantages of today is that we can easily access the best baby food delivery services through the Internet and thus receive quality food for your baby at home.

    Here we share these useful tips.

    You can take advantage of the moment when the child is hungry to incorporate new foods.

    When preparing the purées, it is advisable to use the potatoes and carrots as a base and add the other vegetables in different proportions to vary their flavor every day. The same appearance and taste every day can cause the child to get tired and end up rejecting the food.

    · Just as they are offered a variety of foods, you have to vary the way of cooking them (boiled, mashed, roasted), so you can gradually discover new flavors and textures. For example, vegetables are not very popular, but instead of offering them to the child always boiled, they can also be disguised in cannelloni, tortillas, cakes.

    · Take care of the presentation: the placement on the plate and even the color influences them. There are children who do not like to be served several mixed foods on the same plate.

    · Temperature is also important. Many children reject fruit porridge because it is cold.

    · Make sure that the portions are adequate so that they do not hate food or have to snack between meals.

    · Establish regular times and some basic rules for meals, so that a series of routines are established and that everyone knows what is not allowed to be done at the table.

    · Going out to regional restaurants or with cuisine from other countries can help broaden your gastronomic culture. Novelty gets kids to try dishes they wouldn’t eat at home.

    · Healthy snacks are also a way to introduce new foods.

    Errors when feeding children

    · Do not replace the dish that he or she rejects with another that you like better, but also do not offer the same reheated dish at another meal (lunch, snack, dinner…): you could associate it with a punishment.

    · Do not always offer him the dish he likes, nor eliminate foods he does not like from his diet, nor disguise them with other flavours.

    · Avoid junk food as much as possible: it creates addiction. But if on some occasion they take it, never be as a prize or reward.

    Avoid the consumption of soft drinks. It is more convenient to eat a little fruit of the season or a juice. This would prevent overweight and dental cavities caused by refined sugar and soft drink additives.

    · Ensure that no nutrient is lacking in the child’s diet. There are parents who do not offer their children those foods that they themselves do not like.

    · Lead by example. The child cannot be forced to eat a food that her parents deny.

    · Avoid blackmailing the child with a prize or a succulent dessert if he runs out of everything.

    · Downplay their calls for attention: it is necessary to avoid reinforcing them as much as possible and associating the act of eating with stress and anguish.

    · Respect the child’s appetite. You don’t have to force him to eat. It will be the pediatrician who judges, through his weight and height, if he eats enough.