Zoom Camera’s Flatten The Globe

Zoom Camera’s Flatten The Globe

First Thanks David Caron for the use of your awesome music.
You can find his channel here
Link to Somewhere Nowhere ( On Level Earth )

This is a 3 day comparison of some observations that show that on some days the weather conditions can obscure our vision.
Just one simple day of good visibility would have you scratching your head as long as you were using a fairly good zoom camera.
If a man standing 6 feet off the water can only see for 3 miles before the earth starts to curve away there is something terribly wrong with the globe model because I have documented a navigation beacon light at 11.22 miles called Cutters Rock from a camera height of 30 inches many times.
It’s no anomaly. It’s within my line of sight but because of our weather conditions normally does obscure our visibility limits.
If anybody even reads the description I’m sorry my videos are long but I like showing the good day and the bad days because it does help you discern for yourself of what I’m showing you.