Who Is Sabotaging America’s Power Grid? New Record of 120 Attacks In A Single Year on Our Grid

Who Is Sabotaging America’s Power Grid? New Record of 120 Attacks In A Single Year on Our Grid

– Someone has been attacking power plants all over the country, and federal authorities are trying to determine who it is. In recent days, we have seen significant sabotage on both the east and west coasts, and so it can’t just be one individual that is responsible. During the first eight months of this year, there were a total of 106 attacks on the electrical grid in the United States, and that represents the highest number ever recorded in a single year. Hopefully authorities will be able to get to the bottom of this mystery, because winter will soon officially begin. If power goes out in your neck of the woods for an extended period of time during the months ahead, what will you do?

Learn More: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/who-purposely-sabotaging-power-plants-all-over-america

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