“Top 1%” Have Never Been Richer While Poor Drown In Debt, Household Wealth Hits Record $130 Trillion

“Top 1%” Have Never Been Richer While Poor Drown In Debt, Household Wealth Hits Record $130 Trillion

The Fed’s latest Flow of Funds report released at noon today showed the latest snapshot of the US "household" sector as of Dec 31 2020, which confirmed that not long after the biggest drop in household net worth on record when $8 trillion was wiped out in Q1, 2020, in the 4th quarter of 2020, the net worth of US households soared by $6.93 trillion – the second biggest quarterly increase in history – to a record $130.2 trillion.

Learn More: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/us-household-wealth-hits-record-130-trillion-top-1-have-never-been-richer-while-poor-drown

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