The censorship and harassment of legitimate flat Earth communities on mainstream internet avenues.

The censorship and harassment of legitimate flat Earth communities on mainstream internet avenues.

WELCOME TO r/LEVELMANIA, reddit’s only legitimate globe denier community, seemingly…

This sub was created from the remnants of others as a place for level Earth/globe denier discussion and promotion as most of the other subs are filled with shills and trolls spreading misinformation, untestable mythical garbage, and other hogwash as reality which is confusing everyone and causing issues.

Most globe believers currently think that “flat Earth” means “flat disc located in space” for example. Fake news.

We are a new sub – growing yet again as the word spreads – like we will each and every time. It is a pleasure having most of you here. Feel free to use this place to hang out, discuss the level Earth we live on, and other happenings without issue. Shills are crushed with great ease here.

We are a legitimate pro-science level Earth based sub run by real humans, not a religious or parody sub like most others. We are a group for adults, not clowns that think Billie Eilish is a genius for example.

Although we too are very well versed in the mythical side of things, we are a science based sub and are a community of skeptics over all else. We promote testable reality and the physical world over stories. Religion and science are two separate things. The demonstrable fact Earth is level, has absolutely zero to do with any religious claim.

It is fine to have beliefs, but beliefs are not science, and as a result we do not claim any particular religious deity to have created the level Earth that we live on in this sub. It would also seem that intelligence agency shills are attaching the belief in a Jesus/religion with the demonstrable fact Earth is level in order to discredit our movement, and confuse people – keeping them away with fake news. Beware shills promoting stories over reality. Most information regarding our level Earth found online is fake news.

It seems that many legitimate ‘flat Earth’ subs and sites critical of the official narrative are being silenced, deleted, removed from search engines, and so on. Most are being removed under the guise of ‘hate speech’ or ‘harassment’ and only fake news remains. In the past months, two of the greatest ‘flat Earth’ subs ever to appear on Reddit have been removed, and their moderators banned – under the guise of ‘harassment’.

We are most certainly not a hate sub and do not harass others – No reason to ban or censor us.

I would like to point something out here. In my experience it is not the flatties that harass online – it is the globies, the paid shills, the trolls, and everyone else. As these people are indoctrinated they think their belief is correct, and think that gives them the right to bully us sane persons. These trolls come to us seeking to cause issues.

It seems on reddit, most ‘flat Earth’ subs are actually run by globe cultists, and they organize strikes against legitimate subs like ours, mass downvoting, mass reporting, and mass shilling.

Reddit admins seem to remove legitimate flat Earth communities in favor of these strike-teams as seen twice in the past two months as mentioned. The most popular flat Earth subs on reddit are actually pro globe sites, run by globe cultists – mocking and spreading hate towards our community, but reddit turns a blind eye… This is a sad tactic, and a garbage tactic which reddit admins should be alert of if not already. These mentalcases are out of control, and must be prevented from harassing us logical persons of sane mind simply because we do not trust cartoons over physical demonstrable reality. Completely absurd.

We globe deniers are sick of having our legitimate subs deleted simply because goofy trolls mass reported us and an admin made a mistake. Perhaps however it is not a mistake, perhaps this is just part of the official agenda, perhaps any legitimate sub that gets too popular is removed… Perhaps something malicious is going on. Is reddit just another form of propaganda posing as social media? Time will tell.

submitted by /u/EarthisLevel
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