Rare Volcano Alert Sent Out for Eastern Caribbean, 100,000 Inhabitants Prepare for Evacuation

Rare Volcano Alert Sent Out for Eastern Caribbean, 100,000 Inhabitants Prepare for Evacuation

Rarely do we hear about volcanoes in the eastern Caribbean, but this week, rumblings from down under prompted officials to issue volcanic alerts in Martinique and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

On Tuesday, warnings were issued for La Soufriere volcano in St Vincent and the Grenadines after tremors, powerful gas emissions and a new volcanic dome were observed.

The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) said that scientists observed an "effusive eruption within the crater, with visible gas and steam."-

Learn More: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/eastern-caribbean-issues-rare-volcano-alert

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