Rare ‘Ring Of Fire’ Solar Eclipse Is About To Happen; When And Where to See It!

Rare ‘Ring Of Fire’ Solar Eclipse Is About To Happen; When And Where to See It!

What is the ring of fire eclipse?
Normally, when a solar eclipse occurs, the moon casts a shadow onto Earth creating a visual phenomenon. During the moon’s orbit, it would typically move between the Earth and the sun blocking its light from reaching Earth.

This is when would would see the eclipse of the sun for a period of time. The difference between a normal eclipse and this ring of fire event, though, is that the moon will be covering the center of the sun, which will allow only the outer edges of the sun to be visible, forming a ring of red around the moon.-

Learn More: https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/when-is-the-ring-of-fire-solar-eclipse-in-2021-and-where-can-you-see-it/ar-AAKxzfJ?ocid=uxbndlbing

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