Putin Appears to Bring ‘Nuclear Football’ to Stalingrad Anniversary Ceremony, Drops More Warnings

Putin Appears to Bring ‘Nuclear Football’ to Stalingrad Anniversary Ceremony, Drops More Warnings

– Aides were seen close to the dictator carrying two black bags said to contain his nuclear keys.

At today’s service, Putin laid flowers on the Mamayev Kurgan memorial and paid tribute to the memory of fallen Soviet soldiers.

The president also visited the grave of Soviet commander Marshal Vasily Chuikov.

Putin was seen in his official armour-plated Aurus limousine in a 25-vehicle entourage, including an ambulance and tight security.

The two black bags carried by his aides are said to contain a fold-up shield to protect Putin in the event of shooting, while the other is likely to contain Russia’s nuclear key.

Learn More: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11705897/Putin-forces-residents-quarantine-ahead-visit-Stalingrad-anniversary-celebrations.html #Russia #WW3 #Nuclear

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