Heads Up! Ammo Companies Say Packages Shipped With UPS Mysteriously Go “Missing”

Heads Up! Ammo Companies Say Packages Shipped With UPS Mysteriously Go “Missing”

– Bearing Arms reported several firearm-related companies had their corporate accounts canceled by UPS. Not only that, but some of these companies also have had packages damaged or lost while in transit to customers.

One ammunition distribution company called "The Gun Food" reported out of a recent 18,000 rounds of ammunition shipped with UPS, only 6,000 made it to the end destination.

Bearing Arms pointed out that Lee Williams over at the Gun Writer Substack, AmmoLand News, and the Second Amendment Foundation Investigative Journalism Project has also covered this phenomenon of firearm-related companies having problems with UPS.

Learn More: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ammo-companies-say-packages-shipped-ups-mysterious-go-missing

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