Florida Governor Threatens $5,000 Fine PER VIOLATION For Any Government Agency Mandating Jabs

Florida Governor Threatens $5,000 Fine PER VIOLATION For Any Government Agency Mandating Jabs

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has threatened any government agency mandating a Covid jab as a condition of employment with fines, and said ignoring natural immunity suggests vaccine mandates are about control, not public health.
“We are not going to let people be fired because of a vaccine mandate,” DeSantis told a crowd in Gainesville on Monday, flanked by public sector workers threatened with termination unless they submitted to the mandate. “If a government agency in the state of Florida forces a vaccine as a condition of employment, that violates Florida law and you will face a $5,000 fine for every single violation.”-

Learn More: https://www.rt.com/usa/534747-florida-vaccine-mandate-pushback/

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