Flat Earth – No Boat Went Over The Horizon.

Flat Earth – No Boat Went Over The Horizon.

From the Ranty Flat Earth description box:

*It has come to my attention that I should now be spoon feeding evidence to some of the globes biggest parrots, in effect, teaching the teacher how to be scientific with evidence.

It’s a sad state of affairs when all the evidence is on my channel for people to go back over, do some analysis and come to the same conclusions that I do, it just takes a bit of common sense, logic and reason. It seems however that the globalists don’t seem to want to do any work what so ever on this subject, they would happily rather be a parrot indoctrinating future parrots about the indoctrination they themselves are now happy to parrot. LOL

Sad times indeed. Anyway, it seems some people still just don’t get it, and would rather misrepresent my work and try to turn it in to some form of ball earth proof. I’m not going to allow that to happen, however, parrots will always be parrots, sheep for the most part will always be sheep and Youtubers with a growing fan base will just carry on spouting a narrative that their audience will lap up, regardless of whether it is based in fact, fiction or out right lies and deception.*
Original video link:

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