Fears Grow Over Blackouts, Heat Waves and Wildfires As Massive Drought Tightens Its Grip On The West

Fears Grow Over Blackouts, Heat Waves and Wildfires As Massive Drought Tightens Its Grip On The West

Drought is tightening its grip on the West, and that could spell fresh trouble for the region’s power grids.

Driving the news: Data released Thursday shows “exceptional drought,” the worst category, now extends across Napa, Sonoma and parts of the East Bay region. All of California is in at least "moderate" drought after an unusually dry winter, despite having entered the wet season without severe short-term drought outside of the northern reaches of the state.-

Learn More: https://www.yahoo.com/news/drought-tightens-grip-west-fears-111716549.html

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